13,648 nudes and counting

10 07 2010

No, I know it’s the third and fourth place game for the World Cup today, but who is really watching? Not me. So I went nude.

Well not really, but I enjoy the fact that across North America today more than 13,000 people will be disrobing!

Now I’m not advocating nudists running along Bermuda’s beaches and neither are the American Association of Nude Recreation.

Nope! what they are hoping for, according to their website is to break their World Record for participants in a skinny dip by 3,0000!

I know what you’re thinking: “I’m naked at home in the shower. That will count.”

You’d be wrong. According to AOL news there has to be at least two people witness the dip and produce a notarized statement attesting to their lack of clothes.

Sounds like a lot of paperwork to me! But if you are interested the AANR is coordinating the skinny-dipping events at participating clubs and nude beaches today! at 3 p.m. Eastern Nudist Time (whatever that means).

But this isn’t lewd, rude or obscene….no! According to the AANR website this is all about promoting the healthy skinny-dipping.

It states: “This event will focus the attention of the world on the joys of wholesome, happy skinny-dipping as an American tradition proudly supported by AANR and recognized by the Guinness World Records™ Company.”

Are you somewhere in North America and desperate to strip-off today?!? Well no worries their website also offers locations of their clubs.

Check it out. But be warned….there are a lot of butts!

Other weird world records? How about a man who clung onto a power drill hanging from the ceiling and turned 41 times?

Yeah well Guy Hiang did it in Germany on September 1, 2007. Have you got long legs? Not as long as Svetlana Pankratova whose legs alone are 4’4”. The Telegraph of course pictured her with the shortest man: He Pingping at 2’5” in London.

Fancy eating metal? No, me neither, but Michel Lotito did from the time he was nine-years-old until his death. By 1997 he had eaten nine tons of metal according to The Telegraph.

On that note….I’m going to enjoy gluten-free sandwiches and some swizzle whilst swaggering around Bermuda on a catamaran.

Don’t think any amount of this rum-infused drink will bring me to add my name to the skinny-dipping records though….I hope.