Repairing before Rain

9 07 2010

Repairing before the Rain

Ok so now it’s after the rain, but when I took Friday’s Photo of the Day (because I’m my best judge:) it was pre-yesterday’s downpour. I should have known the weather was coming.

The crab spider (or Bermuda spider if I had my way) were everywhere! This one in particular along the Southampton Railway trail was chillin’ like a villin watching the sunset.

It was the perfect wander for a Wednesday and Thursday provide the much-needed liquid for my home. We’ve already ordered four trucks of water!

What does this mean, Robyn? Well if you do not live on my 21-square-mile home of Bermuda, you might not know.

We catch all the water we drink, bath, and clean with off the roofs of our houses. When there’s no rain…..there’s well…we get stinky. No I kid. We have to take five-minute showers, flush toilets when necessary and worse case scenario – buy water!

So watch where the spider spins its web, check the shark oil for cloudiness, see if there’s a ring around the moon and if it’s all clear, Bermuda may be out of water, but ready for the beach!

Want something to keep you busy? Take some pics! Maybe next Friday it will be your pic seen here! Send them to