Good Morning Monday….

5 07 2010

Laptop takes on Patagonia

You’ve come far too quickly. Why is it as soon as the weather warms the weekends sweep-by?

And now I’m back in the office. Yes I said office. I am temping for an office manager who is away for two weeks. That’s another type of traveling! I haven’t been in an office, office in a long time…..but that’s another blog.

Today it’s Monday so that means…..drum roll…..Rock Fever strikes again. Perhaps this is more poignant today as I sit freezing in air-conditioning feeling more like I look in the pic in Patagonia above.

What was it today: Hello? Hello? Can you hear me? Can you see me? Staying in touch while trying to travel around the world.

For me the best way to do that and the cheapest was to Skype. The problem? My mom and dad took 11 months to sign-up for it! Oh well they got around to it and I got to see them, my grandmother and our dogs…..just when I needed the most support – on the way home!

Read more about it here.

What else has been keeping me busy? Well trying-out new things. You know I always blab about this. Well I am trying.

Know what I did last week? I went to see a play. Yep! I wasn’t so sure about going and sometimes it’s hard to extricate yourself from the day-to-day grind. But I have a confession…a friend was in it.

What was it? Fahrenheit 451 and it’s currently playing at the Daylesford Theatre and presented by BMDS. Check out my review!

Freaky? Yes. Why? Not because of the acting. Nope I thought everyone was very good. More to the point…..”Forget the story, give me the pow.”

It is based on a book written in the 1950s and yet it scarily sets-out life now! People who want to read are hunted and their books incinerated. Others are scared silly by them. They want TV and reality shows where they are featured.

Which means the audience features in this play… the characters stare into the theatre hoping to disseminate some truth.

Too heavy for Monday? Ok well then check out the light and airy contribution to Style Bermuda last week!

Five ways to visiting Bermuda!!! Did I miss something? Should I have included something? And stay tuned for tomorrow….traveling in the business world. It’s scarier than Fahrenheit 451!