Happy 50 Years for the 50 Star Flag!

4 07 2010

The flag of the United States of America is celebrating its 50-starred birthday on this day of independence.

That’s because the stars and stripes wasn’t always full of the twinkling night invites. Nope. It only had 48.

But in 1958 Robert Heft, a 17-year-old high school student was asked to create a unique project for high school. He decided to add two new stars to the flag for two states he thought would soon be joining the United States – Alaska and Hawaii .

His teacher gave him a B-.

A year later Hawaii and Alaska had joined the party so Heft took the flag to his Congressman and, well…the rest is history.

And now millions is spent on this flying piece of red, white and blue fabric yearly. In 2002,  $7.9 million was spent on importing the American flag.

Where did they come from? $5.2 million of them were made in China.

That’s nothing though. Peanuts really. In 2001 when the U.S. was feeling the need for nationalism (9/11) the country spent $51.7 million on importing flags.

So as Americans fly their million dollar National symbols today where’s the best place to do it?? Boston baby! What with the Pops (the American symbol of this day) and six days of celebration…the only competitor….New York with their crazy fireworks display from multiple barges!

Freedom Trail in Boson, Mass.....best city for July 4

But really…are either of these cities proclaiming LIfe, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness like Iowa? Hardly. Four times! That’s the number of time Iowa felt the need to proclaim Liberty in its names – Libertyville, New Liberty, North Liberty and West Liberty.

The largest Liberty? Liberty, Missouri with more than 26,000 people.

Want to pursue happiness? To be happy about this day in 1776, when an important piece of paper was signed by some important people, Americans set-off 14,000 displays of fireworks.

That’s just one day. For a yearly total Americans spend $945 million on these night-light displays. But really…90% of that is spent on July 4 so……

And the American life is not contained to the United country. Nope. This independence day is celebrated on all seven continents. In 1934 an Antarctic expedition even set-off fireworks during a storm and -33 degree temps!

So what about Bermuda? Well with our better weather we tend to try to shoot fireworks over the beach. Where will I be? Pulling-up a towel on Elbow Beach, batting ash from our day of support in America’s independence.



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