I’m in a helicopter!

2 07 2010

Ok no. Not really. Just thought I would make you look! It’s Friday and time to see the photo of the day.

Where did the helicopter come from? A friend told me if you are struggling to get someone to reply to your emails your subject should be: I’m in a helicopter!

It worked for her. Hopefully it will work for me.

Vietnam Beach

So why this pic today? Well because I was one of those poor souls this morning stuck in the rain. And no. I did not have the luxury of a car. I donned the water-proof pants and rain jacket and suffered the rush hour.

You scoff? Rush hour in Bermuda? Well it was worse than the normal commute. Why? Because the first sign of rain the cars come out, the traffic slows and start times move to 9.30 a.m. or 10.

There is only one other place in the world where I have noticed a similar thing happen – Buenos Aires! Friday night in this cosmopolitan city? Yeah you’d think you’d be out bopping (I swear I’m not from the 1950s). Rain or a threat of rain? The clubs empty.

Glad to know it’s not just Bermudians.

Vietnam? Well as you can see as darkness moves-in, life continues. I was really luck this day. I had walked for an hour through rice paddies (ok the roads that cut them up) and had enjoyed a few hours of sun before….

The sky darkened, the wind swept-up and two Americans arrived on the beach. They asked me to watch their bags while they went for a swim. I nervously watched the clouds.

They came in.

“How did you get out here?”

“I walked.”

“Oh. Do you need a lift?”


I know probably silly, but thought of all hell breaking loose on me was not my idea of a good beach day. Jumping on the back of one motorbike (I could have driven it better) I was hauled back to my hostel.

The sky opened and….I was safe inside. Now I’m safe inside my office job (I’m temping for two weeks) the rain can continue in Bermuda!



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