Facebook for Farmers? Wokai?

1 07 2010

And other fun facts from around the world on this lovely Thursday and first of the month.

Farming away...

Yes you read it. Facebook for farmers. Well it’s something like that. It’s called Wokai and it’s a US microfinance firm that provides Chinese farmers with loans to help with particular projects.  The Facebook part? Well these loans are not from banks. Nope. They’re from private, small investors who get to decide exactly what their money finances.

The great part? These entrepeneurs get to start the business of their dreams and Wokai has a 100% repayment record…..Can’t argue with that can you?

From China to change in the air……Yes. Airlines grew hearts last night and decided to wave flight, change fees for those who may be affected by Hurricane Alex. So that could be anyone in Texas and Mexico.

I don’t even want to start to think how this is going to affect those already struggling to keep the oil from BP off their shores. Well let’s put it this way cause that’s really all I have to say.

Fancy a more content area of the world? What about New Zealand? Napoleon never lost his head, but he did lose some of his hair. Just last week that very hair that was snipped while he was ostracized from life on St. Helena was auctioned for $13,000!

Before you board your Boeing Express, however, make sure you’re not hiding your terrapin anywhere. A ten-year-old on a flight between Atlanta and Milwaukee recently held-up the plane because of her hidden reptile.

And finally for your Thursday round-up….spies! No not James Bond…but real, actual spies. Only the Americans can’t seem to find the top-secret documents the Russian spy ring must have been sending out. I guess they must have been that good!

Oh!!! O……Canada! Yeah I haven’t forgotten….just thought farmers in China were more interesting. Yeah I get to say it! I’m Canadian (ok got the passport through my grandmother but it still counts). So enjoy you’re day Canadians trying to find Labatts in Bermuda!