Wedding bliss in Bermuda

26 06 2010

Tonight I’m going to a friend’s wedding reception at a beautiful, hidden spot in Bermuda – Tom Moore’s Tavern.

It’s that time of my life and that time of the year for weddings (Not my own mind you. No ring on this finger). But Bermuda is a definite must-do for destination weddings. So close to the East Coast of the United States brides just love us.

But want to go more unique? What about multi-tasking? Try grocery shopping while getting hitched? Well a Wisconsin couple did.

“Honey could you grab the butter and this ring with which I do wed?”

“I do…take you and want spare ribs for dinner.”

I can see it. It’s romantic…..I guess. Hell at least you could grab cocktail napkins for the reception (it happened in my family. We did a horse and buggy drive-by complete with husband and wife shopping).

You getting hungry yet? Yeah well so did passengers on a Ryan Air flight from Prestwick airport in the UK to Girona, Spain last week. Stuck for six hours on the tarmac they were not allowed food or water.

What happened? The Police were called……for water and chocolate.

Chocolate leaving your diet? You trying to fit into the wedding dress? What about for the Harry Potter theme park in Orlando, Florida.

Yeah this new theme park recently opened for….well no one with a frame larger than 265 pounds is allowed on the ride: “Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey.”

Of course it’s for safety concerns. Harnesses won’t be able to hold anyone looking more like cousin Dudley than Harry.

Not sure what you weigh? Don’t worry the park has “test seats” to check! Uh….invasive? I don’t know any ride I would go on if I had to weigh myself first!

I’m going for a run and then…bring on the reception, finger food!!! That’s fair, right?



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