Newport to Bermuda to….?

25 06 2010

It’s Friday folks so time for a photo. Today’s it’s all about flying flags for the sailors gracing Bermuda’s shores. Where did they come from? Everywhere.

Where are they going? Who knows. Everywhere. I sat inadvertently eavesdropping yesterday at The Royal Hamilton Amateur Dinghy Club (Bermuda in case you haven’t caught on yet) to two sailors discussing their plans.

“So have you decided if you’re flying?”
“Yeah. No I think I’ll be by boat.”

“Are you entering the……” and the list of multiple sailing events around the world began issuing from their mouths and I lost interest.

Ahhh…to be able to sail away on a boat. Another time. So where is this photo

Docking at the Royal Amateur Dinghy Club

taken? Well you guessed it – the Dinghy Club!

I know. I know. It’s not the hosting club, but well it’s closer to home.

On another note that’s very far from home – it’s the year anniversary of Michael Jackson’s death. Is this the JFK of our generation?

I don’t know, but I can admit he was one of the first cassettes I ever bought (and that will date me in case you wonder which generation I was referring to). He went in the basket along with Whitney Houston – before her crack problem – and Madonna – before she was a mom.

So why the JFK reference? Because I listen to my parents wonder where they were on that day. I can remember where I was when I heard of Michael Jackson’s death. Sitting in my hotel room in the rudely named Phitsanoluk (sounds like piss…NO LOOK!).

I was just about to head to the cafe below for my much-needed coffee when I decided to watch the TV. I hadn’t seen one in weeks so it was a bit of a splurge. CNN started chattering as they do.

Running along the bottom of their screen (which is often the only way to understand what is going on): “Michael Jackson’s dead.”

Where were you?



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