Doctor visit = Dull or Delightfully normal?

17 06 2010

No? Let me tell you it was really exciting…….

Ok. Well.. wait for it, Wait for it. I went to a doctor’s appointment. Shocking. I told you.

I joke, but really it is a bit strange for me. Why? Because I had made the appointment about a month ago. Why? Because doctors are busy people and I am still desperately trying to fix my arm.

Leaving Bermuda

Not a long story at all..about two years ago I was running by the Squash Club on Middle Road, Bermuda and fell. I’m a clutz. Sounds minor, no? So thought a different doctor I went to with no luck.

“Oh, poor little girl who can’t handle pain.” Dude I can handle pain. What I can’t handle is not having the use of my right hand! i.e. the one I use to write with i.e. the one I need for my job.

Ugh. I gave up. I tried physio. Session after session helped to reduce swelling and brought some motion back, but it didn’t completely fix it. I went away for a year. You remember. That little escapade I wrote about?

I was hiking in Patagonia a year after I fell on Middle Road, Bermuda. What happened? I don’t even remember. I must have fallen. It was minor because it didn’t register.

And one would think that if I fell enough for my arm to turn into a marsh mellow the next morning it would be bad. Nope. Arm was just a mess.

I put a brace on and kept trucking along the Tower Park (Torres del Paine

Towering over you in Patagonia

National Park in Chile). When I finally returned to Bermuda and I decided enough was enough. But when I called the doctor for a visit it required two months wait.

I’m not complaining. Anyone worth their salt is worth waiting for. What I’m saying, and to get back to my point is…..I have been in one place for a very long time now.

For a little less than six months now I have known where my bed was, I know where the grocery store is and I know which restaurant to eat in and which one to give a miss.

Monotonous? Yeah maybe. As a Bermudian I know the problem of Rock Fever (and I don’t mean the Monday travel column I try to write in the Royal Gazette though really I’m sure there are a few problems with that).

You get anxious. It gets boring. The everyday affairs like grocery shopping bog you down.

A year ago today where would I have been? I probably would have woken at 5 a.m. to another backpacker zipping and unzipping their 30 entrances to their bags, 8 time each.

Then I would have jumped out of bed finally at 8 as the rest of the room woke to grab the crusty bread and coffee before breakfast stopped.

You think small chat with co-workers is tough? Try 20 questions about Bermuda before your first sip of coffee.

What I’m trying to say in this rant about the everyday at home and the trials of travel is there are two sides. Travel is lovely. It is glamorous in its name. But it is also difficult. You see amazing sites like these towers in Patagonia. You also see the worst. Loud zippers at 5 a.m.

Bermuda's South Shore

Home is lovely (especially if you live in Bermuda). But it’s sometimes difficult to keep it exciting. I’ll be honest. Right now….I’m enjoying the grocery shopping.

And I like that I will be here in two months for the follow-up doctor’s appointment. I miss the travel. Don’t get me wrong. I am always wishing to be back in South America or experience Africa.

The times not quite right yet. I don’t think I have the energy for the unknown again. And I’m trying to visit my home in ways I wouldn’t normally. You know…see it through the eyes of a tourist. It makes me appreciate it more.

Bring on the cortisone shot!