Baby Jesus plays…football?

12 06 2010

Just how excited are you for the World Cup? No seriously how excited? Well if you’re the Mexicans….excited enough to dress a Baby Jesus up in their uniform complete with World Cup footballs. Check it out.

Now I’m not so flag-challenged that I don’t know this car supports Italia!! Forza Italia. I’m going to admit it. I’m supporting the dramatic Italians. They are the reigning champions, but that’s not why. I lived in this country for 2001 and most of 2002.

Unfortunately they don’t play until Monday against Paraguay so….I guess  will have to watch the US and England today. The Americans of course are sure they’re going to win. Why? Because 60 years ago they beat England…once.

I’m sorry my money’s on England! For today anyway. How fickle the fans. Remember send me photos of your World Cup spirit. No not spirits, though I’m sure there will be plenty of that too.

Let’s see you in Dockies, the Beach, a friend’s BBQ! Wherever. Who do you support? Go England!!!