Will travel with…wifi

3 06 2010

I’m not a blackberry addict. Can’t afford to be one. But I do start to have the internet shakes if I’m away from the computer too long.


So you can imagine how pleased I was this weekend when leaving Bermuda I didn’t have to leave my internet.

Not the most recent technology on the plane anymore

Ok well for a good 20 minutes. From the time it took me to pry my fingers from the keys, board the car, drive to the airport, and check me in. Ahh security screening done, I walked into the cool atmosphere of the departure lounge.

Computer out. Internet accessed. I had already missed 30 status updates, 2 emails and a world of news updates. What was I going to do when I got on the plane? That’s two hours without access.

No fear. Delta is here. I thought I would get in trouble. I forgot to turn the internet access off. Gogo internet picked-up my computer and I was back on my web. Phew. I can finish that article I needed to email and finally tackle a post for this blog.

Who knew about this? Apparently some bloggers, but I had no idea that flights to Bermuda would be able to access this technology.

Here is a list of the planes that will have it:

B737-700 10 (Fleet complete)
B737-800 71 (Fleet complete…note that 2 additional 737-800s will be equipped with Wi-Fi prior to joining the fleet)
B757-200 103 of 132
B757-200 ETOPS 17 of 17 (fleet complete)
B757-300 1 of 16 (deactivated pending STC)
B767-300 10 (Fleet complete)
B767-300 ETOPS 0 of 4
A319 47 of 49
A320 44 of 69
DC9-50 1 of 33 (deactivated pending STC)
MD88 117 (Fleet complete)
MD90 16 (Fleet complete…note that 12 additional MD90s will be equipped with Wi-Fi prior to joining the fleet)

Sorry to all those trying to escape the boss. “Um yeah I was on the plane,” is just not going to cut it anymore.

Well unless you fly American Airlines. There wireless doesn’t extend more than 100 miles from the US.

Do other carriers have wifi on their planes to Bermuda? Have you used the internet in the sky?



2 responses

3 06 2010
Take it easy!

But I can not understand it. How can it work while a plane is flying?

3 06 2010

Yep! Well it turns off when the planes go below 10,000 feet (so you don’t get very long from Bermuda to Boston) but essentially laptops, iphones, etc…connect to a hotspot on the plane. The plane has an antennae that then connects with towers on the ground. This means no interference with the airline and its navigation. Or so says this article.

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