Year flying by….Ten June facts (cause it’s Tuesday)

1 06 2010

Think the year is flying by? 1. Today is June 1 and also the 152nd day of this year. Yep we only have 213 left to this 2010.

Taking-off from Bermuda

We have survived April showers and have seen May flowers so what does June bring?

2. Red roses. It’s the month of these traditionally February heavy flower. The Pearl is the stone.

3. Perhaps you could give one to the Queen of England on her official birthday on June 13. Who else gets to celebrate her birthday on a variety of days? When’s her actual birthday? April 21 and she was born in 1926.

4. Queen Elizabeth II’s coronation was on June 2nd in 1953.

5. On June 28, 1834 was the coronation of Queen Victoria.

6. This month also hosts the longest day of the year – June 21. This is also the first day of summer and the sun is at its highest point around 11.30 a.m. (in the northern hemisphere of course).

7. June in the Northern Hemisphere is the seasonal equivalent to December in the Southern Hemisphere and vice versa.

Celebrating Summer on Bermuda's Horseshoe Beach

8. Marilyn Monroe was born on this day in 1926. She only lived until August 5, 1965.

9. Another important birth in this 6th month of the year? Anne Frank. Born on June 12, at the age of 13 she was given her infamous diary by her dad.

10. Newport to Bermuda race: After spending a couple of days at sea, relieved sailors will pull-up a bar stool at the Yacht Club in Bermuda and celebrate.  A great party every other year. Otherwise it’s Marion to Bermuda and the party moves to the Dinghy Club.