New Bermuda Airport Designs

31 05 2010

Looking East from Coney Island

Not in the pipeline anytime soon, this is the proposed design for a new Bermuda airport! It’s needed. Apparently the current facility dates from the 1940s in some areas!

And the new designs show places for boats and ferries to pick up arriving passengers as well as producing plenty of window on the world and a green building.

From the Causeway

Aaron Adderley, the Operations Manager of the L.F. Wade Bermuda International Airport, met with me last week and shred with me these designs. The development, however, of the project could take years.

Bermuda’s Premier and Minister of Tourism and Transport Ewart Brown stressed to me that there was no way the Government would move forward with this possible $300 to $400 million project in the current financial climate.

Plus, Bermuda has other needs like the new King Edward VII Memorial Hospital! For the full story check-out my article in today’s paper.

CORRECTION: The company involved in creating the designs and the airport’s master plan is HNTB not HNBP as was reported in The Royal Gazette’s article.



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