Three day weekend? What to do? Turquoise water, cool breeze…oh wait! That’s home!

21 05 2010

Outside my window....

A couple of weeks ago on this blog and in my weekly travel column with The Royal Gazette, I advocated taking time to enjoy your own backyard. I gave examples like trying out Paget Marsh. Turns out Paget Marsh really isn’t that exciting (by human standards anyway).

But I also urged everyone in Bermuda to take the time to enjoy South Shore! I couldn’t think of a better time to try this than yesterday. Why? Because I tried to drive through Hamilton (Bermuda’ Capital).

Huh? You say. I’ll explain. I had errands to run – picking-up photos I had submitted to the Bermuda Society of Arts’ exhibition and a friend’s birthday present. After nearly killing three cyclists and ramming too many cars who decided to stop suddenly I couldn’t take it anymore.

And then it dawned on me….Robyn….you advocated trying something different in a column not so long ago. What are you doing? So I turned right on South Road rather than left and headed West – to Somerset. But not along Middle Road. No, I hit South Shore.

As a Bermudian who has done a lot of traveling, I have never found beaches that match the South Shore of the Island. Ok well except maybe Sir Lanka’s, but these are in my backyard not half way across the world. So where did I stop first? Southlands.

Southlands sign opposite its beach entrance

Yes, I know most of the island has walked through this nature reserve, but I haven’t. What a lonely beach. It’s just crying for a couple who want some peace to join it. So if you’re looking for somewhere isolated or a place to surf head here. Someone was attempting the waves yesterday.

A lonely little beach

But it was time to get serious and head to Dockyard to find a gift. I didn’t have all day. Too bad. Horseshoe Beach was packed, Church bay was asking for me to stop….Whale Bay was asking for a snorkel, but I couldn’t stop.

What does this all mean? I’m going to need another trip (yeah I said it…a trip) to the West End of the Island. For those who live down here well take a trip East.

Anyway, the best part of the trip? Arriving in Dockyard to be one of a pack. With the two cruise ship piers tourists were swarming. How nice to be able to disappear into crowds who don’t know my name and don’t want to argue about some sort of politics.

And the best part? It was easier to drive through the newly-enlarged Dockyard entrance than to board a plane and escape to New York, Boston…Chile, etc…

So what am I saying? Slow down! Enjoy our island and find something different to do this weekend! I mean you’ve got three days!